How to get an OpenAI API Key

You need to provide OMATA AI with your own API key from OpenAI so that it can communicate with their servers.
Here are the steps to get one:

  1. Create a developer account at OpenAI
  2. IMPORTANT: Add a payment method
  3. Get your API key

Please note: getting an API key is independent from having a paid ChatGPT account.

These are two seperated things. To create a developer account and get your API key you do NOT need to have a ChatGPT account!

And vice versa, when you pay for ChatGPT you still need to create a developer account. Again, these two accounts are completely seperated from each other.

Screenshot of OpenAI website for sign up

2. Add payment method (IMPORTANT!)


Screenshot of billing methods at
Screenshot of how to get an API Key at

4. Enter API key in OMATA AI

Screenshot of OMATA AI to enter API key